
Ask a muslim scholar July 2020

Is it permissible to donate blood? Blood donation is considered an extremely meritorious and rewarding act of charity in Islam; since Islam exhorts us to be charitable to all of God's creation; we cannot think of any charity greater than a gift of life. It is a matter of common knowledge that in many cases, persons injured in accidents, etc. can only be saved from imminent death if they are given enough blood to replace what they have lost. So by giving blood, which is in short supply today, Muslims are helping people live; by doing this they are indeed carrying out the order of Allah,"Whoever saves the life of a single person, it is as if he has saved  all of humanity." (Al-Ma'idah: 32) Based on the above and similar considerations, scholars and jurists have agreed that Muslims should have no inhibitions whatsoever in donating blood in the communities they are living. They should consider such activities as a most rewarding act of charity. We cannot make any distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims in donating and receiving blood; all of our bodies and faculties are in a way Muslim (obedient to the laws of Allah). Just as Islam encourages…


Halkan kuma soo koobi karayno nolosha miyiga(baadiyaha), laakiin in yar baan ka qoreynaa si ay dhalinyaradu, weliba kuwa qurbaha ku nool, fikrad uga qaataan. Nolosha baadiyaha waa nolol ad u adag oo weliba kolba meel loo guuro. Xoolaha ayaa lagu dhaqdaa sida geela, lo’da iyo ariga. Guuritaanka waxa keenaya waxa weeye kolba meesha baad(caws) iyo biyo laga helayo ayaa loo guuraa. Reerku inta aanu guurin waxa la diraa SAHAN. Sahan waxa la yiraahdaa marka rag la diro si ay u soo hubiyaan meesha loo guurayo in ay tahay meel dadka iyo duunyadaba u roon. Marka waa laga war sugaa. Abwaan Hadraawi waa kii yiri “RUUX AAD SUGAYSOO MAAN WAA LA SAADSHAA, SAHAN WAA LA DHAWRAA.” Shanku marka uu soo noqdo ayaa la wareystaa. Wixii ay ku taliyaan ayaa lagu camal falaa, sida ha la guuro ama yaan la guurin. Duunyau(xooluhu) waaa in ay baad iyo biyo ka heli karaan. Dadkuna waa in uu ku noolaan karo Meesha loo guurayo. Haddii la isla garto in meeshaas ay fiican tahay, waxa loo diyaaar garoobaya sidii loo guuri laha. Wax alaale wixii agab ah (alaao) waxa lagu raraa AWRTA. Waxaa kale oo awrta la saaraa dadka waayeelka ah ee aan socon karin iyo…

Cafimaadka Dhimirka

“Maanka/maskaxda caafimaadka qabta” Waa marka uu qofka gaaro heer uu ogyahay waxa karaankiisu yahay, marka uu maareyn karo daruufaha nolosha ee caadiga ah, uuna wax u qaban karo naftiisa iyo bulshada uu la noolyahay.  Si qofka uu ugu noolaado nolol tayo leh waxaa muuhiim ah in uu la socdo xaalada caafimaad ee uu maankiisa ku suganyahay iyo inaanbarano sida aan u ilaalin laheyn caafimaadka maankeena. Soomaali haddaan nahay , marka aan ka hadalno caafimaadka maskaxda waxaan ka fekernaa qofka waalan oo keliya. Marka qofku gaaro heerka waallida waa heerka ugu dambeysa uguna xag jirta xanuunada ku dhaca maskaxda. Marka waxaa muhiim ah in aan diiradda saarno sidii aan u maareyn laheyn caafimaad qabka maskaxda    Calaamadaha lagu garto marka qofka caadimaadka maskaxdiisu fiican tahay waxaa ka mid ah:  Kartida wax barasho  Kartida in wax la dareemo, laga hadlo lana maareeyo dareemada kala duwan ee nolosha.  Kartida in xiriir wanaagsan lala yeesho dadka kale  Kartida in la aqbalo in nolosha sida la rabo aanay mar walba noqoneyn.  Waxay xamili karaan baahida nolosha iyo dhibka la soo gudboonaada.  Go’aamadoodana iyaga ayaa gaari kara Somaalida waa bulsho isku xiran, istaakuleysa, wada xiriirta isna garab taagan, dhaqamadaasna waa…


As the United States of America struggles with Covid-19 (C-19) and racial tensions, there is a silent killer among Somali youth that is thriving and killing at a much higher rate than C-19. In the last few weeks, more than ten young Somali boys and girls have been hospitalized due to a drug overdose. Three have been confirmed dead. Opioid abuse is killing Somali youth in Minnesota at a higher rate than the national average and resources are very limited. As parents mourn the sudden death of their otherwise healthy children, community leaders and politicians -alike have turned a blind eye. With Covid-19 crisis limiting schools and extracurricular activities, the Somali youth are abusing drugs and alcohol more than ever which has also increased violence among the youth. As reported by this publication, Somali youth were greatly affected by the killing of George Floyd and the riots that followed. They were on the front lines of the protests in an effort to show their solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. This chain of events has made 2020 a deadly year for the Somali youth in MN. At one of the funerals of the deceased young men, there were over…

True Somail story

NIN LUMAY ISAGOO 4 JIR AH OO LAHWLAY   Cabdirisaq Ciise Guray wuxu ku dhashay magaalada Hargeys 1970kii. Isagoo 4 jir ah ayey Aayadii u ka xaysay miyi/baadiye. Waxa la geeyey baadiyaha magaalada Awaare oo ku taala Kilinka Shanaad ee Itoobiya. Dhawr cisho ka bacdi Cabdirisaq isagoo keligii ah ayuu duurka u kacay si uu ugu soo ciyaaro. Dib uguma soo noqon reerkii ee wuu sii socday. Reerkii wuu ka fogaadey. NIn iska socda ayaa arkay raadka ilmahan yar ee keligii ah. Ninkii raadkii ayuu raacay. Wuxu u tagey Cabdirisaq oo geed hoos jiifa.   Ninkan waxa la yiraahdaa Maxamed Cali Qaasim. Maxamed wuxuu inankii u kaxeeyey Dhagaxbuur. Odaygan Maxamed inankii wuu korsaday. Wuxu u bixiyey Axmed Maxamed Cali. Axmed markii uu weydnaadey oo uu wax bartay, wuxu tegey Addis Abab. Shaqo ayuu ka helay. Mudo sanado ah ayuu Addis Ababa ka shaqaynayey.   Malin maalmaha ka mida ah ayaa waxa soo wacay odey Maxamd. Wuxu u sheegay in uu xanuunsanayo. Wuxu bilaabay in uu waaniyo. Markii waanadii uu dhamaystay ayuu u sheegay in uusan aabihii ahayn. Axmed intuu yaabay ayuu telefoonkii ku dhigay. Axmed muddo saddex cisho ayuu yaabanaa oo aanu odeygii la hadlin. Markii dambe wuxu go’aansaday in…

No Picture

Promise Act Fact Sheet

PROVIDING RESOURCES, OPPORTUNITY, AND MAXIMIZING INVESTMENTS IN STRIVING ENTREPRENEURS ACT THE PROMISE ACT IS INSPIRED BY THE VOICES, STORIES, AND STRENGTH OF MINNESOTANS WHO ARE DEDICATED TO REBUILDING OUR CITIES AND COMMUNITIES. Create a special panel to review cases and provide direct compensation to impacted individuals. Partner with cities and community organizations to create economic relief programs for impacted businesses and organizations. Give local units of government flexibility and tools to prevent gentrification. Direct the Minnesota Department of Commerce to assist business owners, and require insurance companies to notify the department of any rejected claims. Help with the rising cost of leases for eligible residential and commercial properties. Eliminate the sales tax on the purchase of construction materials used to rebuild damaged or destroyed properties. Provide property and sales tax cuts for eligible properties. Establish a Metropolitan Area Redevelopment Corporation to create a long-term plan for equity-driven redevelopment and transformation.


By Hamse Warfa, Deputy Commissioner    Starting over in a new country is hard. A new language, a new culture, a new set of rules⁠—so many that are unwritten. It’s overwhelming. When my family left Somalia for the refugee camps, we lost everything. When we left the camps and arrived in California, we lost everything again. Each time we had to start over. Each time, we had to reengage in the economy – finding new jobs, building wealth, and finding financial security for our family. I know that there are ways for our state to work with local leaders and community organizations to do better.    I am excited to announce a new position at DEED focused on helping state government bring together New Americans, employers, local governments, nonprofits and other partners to create the welcoming communities we all want and engage all Minnesotans more fully in a successful state economy.    Today, Anisa Hajimumin joins DEED’s leadership team as the Assistant Commissioner for Immigrant and Refugee Affairs, a grant-funded position reporting to me that fills a long-standing need in Minnesota. Anisa will serve as the state’s primary specialist on immigrant and refugee affairs working across state agencies and with the governor’s office, as well as with community and business leaders throughout Minnesota to break down barriers and build connections.     Anisa will play a significant role in helping to rebuild a more equitable Minnesota, fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive…


GEORGE FLOYD On may 25 th , 2020 another police killing of an unarmed black man was caught on a smart phone video that was just as shocking and gruesome as many others that came before it. His name was George Floyd. As always, people were outraged, and many took to the streets to peacefully protest. George Floyd was killed on a busy intersection in South Minneapolis. A very diverse and a progressive neighborhood that prides itself on welcoming people from all backgrounds with love. Just few days before the killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, an EMT in Louisville Kentucky, was killed by police who were executing a “no-knock” warrant in her home as she slept in her bed. A week before that, an unarmed black man was gunned down by a white neighborhood watch for jogging in the wrong neighborhood. Even before George Floyd’s death, the rage, and the mistrust in the American justice system among blacks in America was at an all-time high; and then George Floyd got murdered. George pled for his life for a long eight and half minutes that was now seen around the world. He literally begged the officer to get off his…

Dhs Press Release June 2020

State expands eligibility, doubles funding for third round of emergency child care grants   For the third round of Peacetime Emergency Child Care Grants, the Minnesota Department of Human Services will expand eligibility criteria and double available grant dollars to continue to help provide child care for essential workers and meet increased demand as businesses reopen. Current funding for the third round of grants is about $9.8 million and the additional $10 million will come from the federal Child Care Development Block Grant and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.   “As the COVID-19 emergency evolves, more businesses open, and providers struggle with increased public health impact, the demand for child care and need for financial supports increases,” said Human Services Commissioner Jodi Harpstead. “Doubling the funding for this next round of grants will help more child care providers meet the needs of working families.”   By law, state-licensed family child care programs and child care centers as well as tribally licensed programs are eligible for the grants. The commissioner of Human Services has the authority to add other program types. For round three of the grants, eligibility is expanded to allow certain certified child care centers to…

Cudurka Covid 19

Maxaad ka taqaana cudurka Covid 19 (Koofid 19)? Sida aad la socotaan, dunida waxaa faro kulul ku haya cudurka Covid 19 oo uu keeno Korona fayras.   Covid 19 waxuu ku dhacay dad ka badan 6 milyan waxaana u geeriyootay dad gaaraya ilaa iyo 4 boqoloo kun dunida oo dhan.   Waxaa muhiim ah innuu qof kasta la socdo maclumaadka dhabta ah ee la xidhiidha cudurka isaga oo kala soconaaya baraha laga helo xogaha cafimaadka ee lagu kalsonaankaro sida kuwa Ururka Cafimaadka Aduunka (WHO), Barta rukta xakameenta cudurada ee Mareykanka (CDC), Waaxda cafimaadka Guud ee Minnesota iyo idaacadaha iyo telefishinada qaranka.   NB: Waxaa baraha qaar lagu fidiyaa maclumaad aan sax ahayn oo dadka cabsi ku abuura, sidaas darteed hubso in wararka kusoo gaara ay yihiin kuwo run ah oo ka yimi ilo lagu kalsoonyahay.   Covid 19 wuxuu ku dhici karo qofkasta oo ku nool dunida oo da’a kasta leh. Wadamada uu sida daran uu u saameeyey waxaa ka mid dalkan Mareykanka oo uu kuu dhacay dad ka badan 2 milyan waxaan u dhimatay dad ka badan boqo kun .   Calaamada lagu garto waxay soo shaacbaxaan 2 ilaa iyo 14 maalmood gudahood ka dib marka uu cudurka haleelo…