
Senior Development Officer

Job Description   Organization Wallin Education Partners (Wallin EP) is a college completion program which focuses on ensuring post-secondary success for underrepresented Minnesota students. Wallin EP has a rich history and a proven model which results in some of the highest college graduation rates in the country. The impact of our program is a graduation rate of 90% or higher, less debt for graduates, diverse talent for our community, and maximum impact for our donors. In 2019, Wallin Education Partners received national recognition by being named the Scholarship Provider of the Year by the National Scholarship Providers Association. Wallin EP’s dedicated, multidisciplinary team brings a breadth of experience in business, education, nonprofits, and philanthropy to support our scholars’ success. Primary Duties: Wallin Education Partners is seeking a Senior Development Officer to join our team. We are looking for a professional with significant nonprofit development experience who is passionate about increasing educational opportunity and who is excited to play an essential role in the continued growth of our organization. Reporting to the Director of Development and working closely with senior leadership, this person plans and implements strategies to advance the mission of Wallin Education Partners. The person in this role will…

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Ma ogtahay in cudurka Furuqa (smallpox) laga ciribtiray dunida taasna ay ku suuragashay ka dib markii dad aad u badan oo dunida dacaladeeda ku nool laga talaalay furuq ? Ma ogtahay in qofkii ugu dambeeyey ee uu Furuq ku dhoco uu ahaa nin Somaali ah oo deggenaa magaalada Marka taariikhda markii ay ahayd Oktobar 26, 1977kii? Qof kasta oo inaga mid ah oo ku sugnaa Somaaliya sanooyinkii 1975 ilaa iyo 1978, waxaa gacantiisa xagga sare (midig ama bidixda) kaga taala calaamad ah boogtii talaalka furuga. Cuduro badan oo dilaa ah (jadeecada) iyo kuwo naafeeya qofka (dabeesha) ayaa dunida ku yaraaday sababta oo ah talaal looga hortago cuduradaas oo la helay awgeed. Sida aad la wada socotaan, waxaa dunida faro kulul ku haya cudurka loo yaqaano KOOVID 19, cudurkaas oo ah mid aad u faafa ahna cudur sababa geeri badan. Waa muddo sanad ah ilaa iyo markii ugu horeysay ee lagu arkay dalkan Mareykanka. Tirada dadka uu ku dhacay waxay mareysaa 25 milyuun, maanlin walbana dad aad u tira badan ayuu soo ritaa. Waxaa u geeriyooday dalkan Mareykanka dad gaaraya ilaa iyo 350.000, tirada dhimashadana kor ayeey u socotaa. Ilaahow naga badbaadi. Waxaa nasiib wanaag ah in la helay talaal looga…

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Laba nin ayaa saaxiib ahaa muddo dheer. Isku meel ayey ku soo koreen. Labadan nin ayaa ehel/qaraabo ahaa. Labduba waxy da’doodu ahay 30 jir. Labadan nin midkoodna ma guursan. Midba ka kale ayuu ku oran jiray, “adigu iga hor guurso.” Nin kasta wuxuu rabay in uu ogaado wanaaga iyo dhibaatada guurku leeyahay. Muddo ayey sidaas ahaayeen. Dadkii ehelkooda/qaraabadooda iyo saaxiibadood ayaa ku dhiirin jirey in ay guursadaan. Berigii hore raggu dhakhso ayey u guursan jireen. Marka lala kaftamayo waxa lagu dhihi jiray, “fulayaal ayaa tihiin, naagaha ayaad ka baqaneysaan.” Ragga qaar baa ku oran jiray, “malaa meesha waxba kuma haysaan.” Laban nin waxay ka dhasheen reero faqri ah. Beriiigii hore hablaha waxa laga bixin jiray boqol halaad oo geela iyo faras. Mar-mar-na waxa loo raacin jiray bunduq(gun). In kasta oo labadan nin ay tolkood(ehelkood) u ballan qaadeen in ay caawin doonaan haddii ay guursadaan, hadana wey ku dhiiran kari waayeen in ay tallaadaas qaadaan. Hablihii ayaa bilaabay in ay la kaftamaan. Arintan ayaa noqotay wax dadkii tuulada degenaa ay ku sheekeystaan. Waxa la oran jirey Sugule iyo Salaan. Maalin maalmaha ka mid ah ayuu Sugule geelii keligii raacay. Wuxu la kulmay gabar dhaan wada. Waa la is-wareystey. Waxay u sheegtey…

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COVID 19 VACCINES F Questions & Answers

How effective are the COVID vaccines? The phase 3 trials of both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines involved between 42,000 (Pfizer) and 30,000 (Moderna) people respectively. Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective and Moderna is 94.5% effective. How many shots of COVID 19 vaccines are needed? Both Pfizer and Modena’s COVID-19 vaccines currently in use in the USA need two shots to be effective. The interval between the two shots of Pfizer vaccine is 21days and that of Moderna is 28 days. What happens if I miss the second shot? Is a single shot still protective? Two shots are needed, and the second shot is required to attain immunity. Only 2 per cent of people in the trial missed their second dose so it isn’t entirely clear what happens under those circumstances. Are there any side effects? In the trial, both vaccines were generally well-tolerated, and an independent data monitoring committees reported no serious safety concerns. The most common side effects from the vaccines are: • Fatigue • Headache • Muscle aches Side effects occurred during the first week after vaccination, but were most likely one or two days after receipt of the vaccine. Side effects were more frequent following the second…


Is it permitted for a woman to cut her hair for beauty? A woman can do so provided she avoids a hairstyle peculiar to men. The Prophet, peace be on him, has cursed men who copy women and women who copy men. This applies to hairstyle and appearance. So long as she avoids this, she is permitted to cut her hair. There is no prohibition in the sources. We should remember that originally the rule is permission; prohibition is only an exception. However, we must add a word of caution. A Muslim woman is required to cover her head and not expose it except to her husband or her mahram (a person whom she cannot marry).  In most western countries, washrooms don't have the facility to 'wash' after relieving yourself. Is the toilet napkin good enough to clean ourselves and make us ‘najas' free to perform prayers? Or do we have to wash in order to be clean for the prayers? Islam teaches us to use water for purification after relieving oneself whenever and wherever possible. However, in cases where water is not available, or water becomes scarce, or unusable because of sickness or other valid reasons, we are allowed…

Sanad walba bisha Agoosto 1da ilaa 7da waxay dunida u dabbaal degtaa usbuuca Caalamiga ee Naasnuujinta: Waa asbuuca caalamiga ah ee dhiirigelinta naasnuujinta

Ma ogtahay ilmaha loogu afbilaabo caanaha naaska in uu ka cafimaad badanyahay kuwa la siiyo caanaha la qoosho. Caanaha naaska wa cunnada ugu qiimaha badan ee ilmha lasiin karo, waa nafaqo dheelitiran oo diyaarsan waana lacag la’aan. Caanaha naasaha waxay ilmaha ka helayaa dhamaan nafaqada uu u baahan yahay 6-da bilood ee ugu horeeysa noloshiisa. Caanaha ugu horeeya ee dambarta ah waa caano adag oo hurdi/jaale ah. Dambarku waxa uu qani ku yahay nafaqo iyo unugyada difaaca jirka (antibodies) kuwaas oo ilamaha ka badbaadinaya caabuqa iyo cuduro badan. Caanaha naasku way is beddelaan marka ilmahu sii koro. Ilmuha naaska oo kelyiya la siiyo uma baahna biyo dheeraad. Waa in canugga la nuujiyo markasta ee uu dalbado, nuujinta badan ayaa badisa caanaha naasaha ku soo dhaca. Faa’idooyinka Naasnuujinta: Faa’idooyinka naasnuujinta ay u leedahay ilmaha • Caanaha naasaha waa nafaqada ugu heer sareysa ee uu ilmuhu heli karo • Ilmaha naasaha la nuujiyo wuxuu iska difaaci karaa caabuqyada kala duwan, waxaana ku yar jirooyinka caruuraha ku dhaca. • Ilmaha naaska la nuujiyo waxaa ku yar inuu qaado xasaasiyad sida neefta iyo kuwa maqaarka qolfaha u yeela . • Ilmaha naasaha la nuujiyo wax calool xanuun ah malaha saxaradana kuma dhegto • Ilmaha…

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Welcoming Week

By Anisa Hajimumin, Assistant Commissioner for Immigrant and Refugee Affairs The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) is proud to participate in Welcoming Week September 12-20, a national initiative to celebrate and affirm the importance of inclusivity and connections for immigrants, refugees and long-term residents of Minnesota. As an agency, we focus on workforce and economic development and know firsthand the positive impact of immigrants and refugees on our state’s community and economic development. My role as the Assistant Commissioner for Immigrant and Refugee Affairs is central to helping the State of Minnesota make connections and create pathways for workers and business owners to be successful. I wanted to join DEED because I saw real barriers that immigrant and refugee business owners face in Minnesota. In my previous role as a consultant, I helped people connect to state information and resources. Many immigrant and refugee business owners were relying on other people to help them know what forms to fill out or what fees to pay and how to grow their businesses. I saw a real opportunity to work with state agencies to improve access to information for our immigrant and refugee communities and bring people together. In…

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Governor Walz proclaims September Recovery Month

Highlights transformative power of recovery from substance use and mental illness In recognition of National Recovery Month, Governor Tim Walz has proclaimed September 2020 Recovery Month in the state of Minnesota. The theme for this year’s Recovery Month is “Join the voices of recovery: Together we are stronger.” This month Minnesota recognizes that not only is it possible to recover, but that recovery is common. “Too often substance use disorder and mental illness are seen as a life sentence, rather than the treatable diseases they are,” said Minnesota Human Services Commissioner Jodi Harpstead. “While the pandemic has made life more difficult for many of the people who were already struggling, Minnesota has an abundance of resources available to help people find and maintain their recovery and live full, rich and productive lives.” In 2018, there were over 56,000 admissions to chemical dependency treatment in Minnesota. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, most who enter chemical dependency treatment complete it and show considerable improvement, and abstinence from substance use and other benefits of treatment tend to continue over the long term. Similarly, mental illness is common, but treatable. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nationally,…

Young, educated and Black: Here’s how Minnesota’s politicians with African roots are reshaping the state’s politics.

Fifty years ago, lawmakers in Washington opened the doors to immigrants from Africa. Today, dozens of new Americans — from Liberia, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Somalia, and more — are running for BY: Ibrahim Hiris Via Sahan Journal Black immigrants are changing the Minnesota political landscape at a pace never seen before.  Barely four years ago, the highest-ranking elected official in the community was Abdi Warsame, a Somali immigrant who was sworn into the Minneapolis City Council in January 2014.  Now, the state can count at least 13 Black immigrant elected officials, including U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar; state Representatives Mohamud Noor and Hodan Hassan; and Mayor Mike Elliott of Brooklyn Center.  In the DFL August primary, a few more Black immigrants emerged victorious. Among them are 30-year-old Omar Fateh, who will likely win a seat in the State Senate; and 35-year-old Esther Agbaje who secured another likely spot in the State House.    The surge in the number of Black immigrants seeking elected positions is conspicuous not only in the Twin Cities metro area. It’s also taking place outside the metro area, in cities like Mankato, St. Cloud and Austin.   State demographer Susan Brower points to two factors possibly contributing to the surge: First, the…

Dawladihii Sayidka

1960 ilaa 1969: waa tariikh kooban. Bishii June 26keedi, 1960 waxa xornimo qaatay dalkii la oran jiray British Somaliland Protectorate. Bishii July 1deedi, 1960 waxa xornimo qaatay dalkii la oran jiray Italian Somali Trust Terriroty. Isla maalinta, July 1deedi, waxa dhacay is-raacii labada dal. Dalkan cusub wuxu lahaa baarlamaan ka kooban 123 mudane (90 koonfur iyo 33 wwaqooyi). Dalku wuxu la baxay Magaca Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya(Somali Republic). Mudadaas sagaalka sanadood ahaa waxay Soomaliya yeelatay saddex dawladood: 1. Dawladii Caabdirashiid Cali Sharmaarke(AHN). 2. Dawladii Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xussein(AHN). 3. Dawladii Maxamed Xaaji Ibrahim Cigaal(AHN). Waxaa kale oo ay Somaliya dooratay laba Madaxweyne: 1. Aadan Abdule Cisman(Aadan Cadde(AHN). 2. Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaarke(AHN) Dadku inta badan waxay isku qaldaan Madaxweynaha iyo Dawladnimada. Dawladda waxa madax u ah Raisalwasaaraha. Dalka waxa ka madax ka ah Madaxweynaha. Raisalwasaaruhu wuxu xukumaa dawladda. Madaxweynuhu waa astaanka midnimada dalka. Tusaale, markii uu Mudane Aadan Cabdule madaxweynaha ahaa, laba dawladood baa la dhisay: Dawladii Mudane Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaarke iyo dawladdii Mudane Cabadirisaq Xaaji Xussein. Markii Cabdirashiid loo doortay madaxweyne, waxa la dhisay dawladdii Mudane Maxamed Xaaji Ibrahim Cigaal. Sidaas darteed madaxweynaha, sida uu qorayey dastuurkii wakhtigaas(iyo kan haddaba), baarlamaanka ayaa soo dooranaya. Kabacdi madaxweynuhu wuxuu soo magacaabayaa raislawasare. Dawladda uu soo…