
Mosque Fire Outcry

Several Minnesota lawmakers, other elected officials, and community leaders gathered at the state Capitol Wednesday, April 20th 2023 to show solidarity with the Muslim community after two Minneapolis mosques experienced fires this week. Some expressed concerns that mosques are being targeted in hate crimes, and many noted that the attendees at Wednesday afternoon’s news conference showcase the state’s true spirit. Dozens of people, including several local imams, packed the event. “This is how we show up for each other,” said DFL Representative Hodan Hassan, who represents the area in south Minneapolis where the fires occurred. “This is the Minnesota that all of us believe in. This is the Minnesota that we want. In this room is the real Minnesota, but out there, there is some notion that we don’t belong. “I belong in Minnesota—I’m a Minnesotan, but I’m also Muslim Minnesotan and I’m also Somali American, and I am proud of all of my layers… And no one should be afraid to go and pray at their most sacred space.” A fire broke out Sunday evening in a bathroom of the Masjid Omar Islamic Center and was quickly extinguished by congregants before it could spread. Another fire broke out Monday at…

Ask a Scholar Oct 2022

I want to work in the financial sector, there is interest involved. I have an interest in working in this field. Please guide me whether I should pursue my career in this sector or not? Please reply soon. Thanking you. You are allowed to work in the financial sector. Expertise in this field is vital for the survival of the community. As Imam Ghazali has stated learning arts or sciences that are crucial for the survival of the society should be encouraged. It is a fard Kifayah or collective duty; in other words, if the community does not have experts in the field, they are guilty before Allah. Therefore, it is okay for you to work in this field if you have the training to serve in this area. However, while doing so, you should avoid that which is haram. Not everything you do in the field is haram. Islamic rule when you deal with cases where there is a mixture of haram and halal is to seek to purify the elements of haram. So, it would help if you cleaned your income by making lots of Istighfaar and giving charities (on top of the obligatory Zakah). Allah says, “Good…

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Small Business Development Center Announces Regional Host Centers for 2023-2025

Regional centers provide no-cost services to businesses throughout the state   St. Paul – The Minnesota Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) today announced the results of a Request for Proposal (RFP) to host SBDC regional centers throughout Minnesota. A total of nine regional hosts were selected, including seven returning SBDC regional hosts and two newly awarded regional hosts. Minnesota State Community and Technical College (M State) in Moorhead is the new West Central regional host, and Rochester Area Economic Development, Inc. (RAEDI) will serve as the new Southeast regional host. These nine SBDC regional centers (complete list below) will provide business services for a three-year period beginning January 1, 2023. Another outcome of the RFP is that the African Development Center (ADC) will now cooperate with the University of St. Thomas Minneapolis Campus as a satellite center to bring SBDC services to the ADC network in the Twin Cities, Willmar, St. Cloud and Rochester. “Minnesota’s Small Business Development Centers are an extraordinary resource for businesses throughout the state of Minnesota – and I don’t think enough small businesses know about them,” said DEED Commissioner Steve Grove. “We’re thrilled to expand their footprint in…

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Maxaad Ka Taqanaa Durayga/Hargabka Hadda Socda RSV?

Waxaa baryahan socda hargab/duray safmar ah oo uu keeno nooc fayras ah oo loo soo gaabiyo RSV.  Qofka uu RSV ku dhoco wuxuu isku arkaa calaamado duray oo kale ah. Waxay RSV lagaga bogsadaan muddo hal ilaa iyo labo todobaad.  RSVwaxaa aad ugu xanuunsada caruurta iyo waayeelka.   Waa Maxay Calaamadaha Lagu Garto Durayga Safmarka Ah-RSV?   RSV wuxuu qofka isku arkaa calaamadaha durayga 4 ilaa iyo 6 cisho ka dib marka uu fayraska jirkiisa galo.   Calaamadaha uu qofku  lagu arko waxaa ka mid ah: Duuf badan Qufac Hindhiso Qandho Cunto qaadashada la’aan Hiinraaq-neef qabtoon   Calaamadaha RSV marba mid ayuu qofku  isku arkaa. Caruurta aad u yar yar marka hore waxaa lagu arkaa oohin badan, ciyaar la’aan iyo neefsashada oo dhibta..   Takhaatiirta la xiriir haddii aad adiga ama ilmahaaga neefta idin dhibto, haddii aad wax cabbi weydaan ama haddii calaamadaha durayga kugu xumadaan.   Sidee loo Daryeelaa Qofka uu RSV ku Dhoco?    Badanaa durayga RSV waxaa looga bogsadaa muddo hal ilaa iyo labo todobaad ah. Dawo la siiyo qofka uu RSV haleelo ma jirto. Waxaa socda cilmibaarisyo lagu sameynayo talaal looga hortago RSV-ga iyo dawooyin wax ka tara fayraska .   Talaabooyin Wax Ka Tari Kara…


    ASK A MUSLIM SCHOLAR DECEMBER 2021 Is a degree in Islamic studies a requirement for an Islamic scholar? Although having a degree in Islamic studies in itself is not an essential requirement, receiving proper education and training under capable scholars is. Considering that a scholar may be called upon to pronounce a judgement on a question of halal and haram or he may also need to explain verses of the Qur’an and the Hadith, this is easily understandable. To give an Islamic ruling without proper knowledge is highly sinful as it is tantamount to attributing false claims to Allah. As Imam Ibn al-Qayyim has stated, it is akin to committing shirk or associating partners with Allah. Moreover, the Prophet has also warned us against interpreting the Qur’an without proper knowledge. He said, “whoever interprets the Qur’an according to his own personal opinion, let him find his abode in hell-fire.” Because of the above-mentioned considerations, Islamic scholars have stipulated rigorous requirements for a scholar eligible to pronounce rulings. Essentially, besides possessing thorough mastery of the Arabic language and ancillary sciences, he must possess thorough knowledge of Islamic sources, namely the Qur’an and the Sunnah. He must also be fully…


  TALAALKA COVID 19 EE CARUURTA       Sida aad la socotaan, bishii Nofember 2, 2021, waaxda hakinta cudurada faafa ee dawladda dhexe ee mareykanta (CDC) ayaa ku dhawaaqday in caruurta ah 5 sano jirka iyo ka weyn la siin karo talaalka Pfizer ee caruurta. Maxay walidiinta u baahanyihiin inay ka ogaadaan talaalka COVID 19 ee caruurta?   Ku dhowaad muddo 2 sano ah ayuu COVID 19 ka horjoogsaday caruurteena  inay sameeyaan waxyaabaha ay jecelyihiin sida inay iskuulaada si caadi ah u dhigtaan. Dariiqa ugu wanaagsan ee aad cafimaadka ilmahaaga ku ilaalin kartid waa inaad siisaa talaalka COVID 19ka ee loogu talagalay caruurta. Caruurta talaalan iskuulada ayey si caadi ah u dhiganayaa, ciyaaraha iskuulka ayey ka qayb gelayaan iyo wixii la xiriira horumarkood oo dhan. Marka ay caruurtu talaalanyihiin guriga karantiin laguma geliyo hadduu uu canugga xiriir la yeesho qof COVID 19 qaba. Sidoo kale, baritaanka COVID 19ka in badan looma sameeyo. Caruurta talaalan waxay ka qaybqataan hakinta COVID 19ka iyo badbaadinta qoyskooda iyo bulshada ay ka midka yihiin. Talaalka COVID 19ka ee caruurta waxaa la siin kara ilmaha  ah 5 jirka iyo ka weyn. Talaalkaan wuxuu ilmuhu siinayaa manaacad/difaac gaarsiisan boqolkiiba 90.7% isaga oo ka hortegaya in lagu…

The federation of Somalia and Somaliland

TAARIIQ: Mogadisho JANUARY 11, 1948 Maxaa Dhacay!!!!   Dagaaalkii labaad ee adduunka  markii uu dhamaaday sannakii 1945, waxa laga adkaaday Jarmal, Talyaani iyo Jaban.  Wadamadii Afrika ku yaaley ee uu Talyaanigu xukumi jirey waxa la wareegey  Ingiriis.  Wadamadaas waxa ka mid ahaa Somaliya oo Mogadisho xarun u tahay.   Dawladda Ingiriiska ayaa ku dhawaaqday in iyada loo ogolaado in ay gacanta ku hayso gobolada Soomaaliyeed oo dhan.  Kuwaas oo kala ahaa: Somliya, NFD(Kenya ah), Soomaaliland iyo Hawd iyo Reserve Area(Ethiopia ah).   Arintaas waxa aad u diiday Ruush, Mareykan iyo Fransiis.  Ruushku wuxu diidanaa in Ingiriis isku balaariyo Geeska Afrika.  Mareykan wuxu rabay in Talyaani loo dhiibo Somalia si uu u raali geliyo xisbiyadii ka soo horjeeday Shuuciyiintii Talyaania. Fransis wuxu ka soo horjeeday siyaasadii Ingiriiska ee Geeska Afrika. Wuxu ku taliyey  in Somalia loo dhiibo Talyaaniga.  SYL(Somali Youth League) iyaduna way ka soo horjeesatay in Ingiriis loo dhiibo Somalia.     Jamciyadda Quruumaha Midoobay (UN) waxay soo dirtay guddi ka kooban afartii dawladeed ee Dagaalka Labaad ku adkaaday (Mareykan, Fransiis, Ingriiis iyo Midowgii Sofiyeeti).  Waxay Xamar soo gaareen January 6, 1948. Waxa Somalia ka jirey dhawr xisbi. Waxa ugu weyneed Somali Youth League (SYL).  Guddigan markii uu yimid Xamar, xisbiyadii…

Diverse Voices Press

New Publishing Company Focused Exclusively on Telling Stories Involving Diverse Characters Launches in St. Cloud (St. Cloud, MN) – As a child, Abdi Mahad remembers hearing and reading many stories about children that looked like him. When he moved to the United States from Somalia, however, finding books with characters he could relate to was difficult. “If you look at the data, just 20 percent of children’s books are written by black authors,” he said. “The number is even less for Latino and indigenous people, so there is a major lack of representation of people in color in children’s books—both authors and storylines.” Abdi Mahad and his wife, Hudda, who make their home in St. Cloud, Minnesota, are on a mission to change that. They have started up Diverse Voices Press, a publishing company that will be devoted to telling stories about diversity. “Anyone can write the story, no matter their race, ethnicity or orientation. The only requirement is that the stories feature diverse characters,” said Abdi Mahad, who added that Diverse Voices Press will publish bilingual books as well. “We have been through the traditional publishing process a few times and we were not happy with the process, particularly the selection…

Sokorow/Kaadi Macaan

Waa Maxay Cudurka Sokorowgu?   Sokorowgu waa cudur jirka qofka uusan si habboon u isticmaali karin cunooyinka tamarta laga helo. Unugyada jirka ayaa u baahan  tamar si ay u noolaadaan una koraan. Marka uu qofka wax cuno, jirka ayaa wuxuu cuntooyinka qaar u dheefshidaa una bedelaa qaab tamar ah oo loo yaqaanno glucose. Glucose waa erey kale oo loo isticmaalo sokorta. Glucose-tu waxay gashaa dhiigga ka dibna sokorta dhiigga qofka ayaa kor u kacda.   Waxaa jira hormoon lagu magacaabo Insulin oo uu samayso xubinta lagu magacaabo GANACA (Pancreas). Insulintu  waxay caawisaa in ay hoos usoo dhigto glucose-ta (sokorta) dhiigga ku jirta marka ay kor u dacdo taas oo suuragelineysa in unugyada jirka ay  sonkortu u  isticmaalaan  tamar ahaan.Qofka sokorta qaba waxaan si dheelitiran aan u shaqeyneyn Xubinta Ganaca.  Mararka qaar waxaa dhacda in uu ganacu  gabo shaqadiisa ama uu ka gaabiyo, waana waxa sababa inuu qofka sokorow ku dhoco. Waa Maxay Nocyada Sorowga?   Waxaa jira saddex nooc oo waaweyn oo loo qaybiyo sookorow:   Sonkorowga Nooca 1aad- Waa marka uu GANACA gabo inuu sameeyo insulin. Nocaan waxaa badanaa uu ku dhacaa caruurta iyo dhalinyarada.   Sonkorowga Nooca 2- Waa marka uu GANACA ka gaabiyo ama uu samayn kari…


Ragga Soomaliyeed marka ay doonayaan in ay gabadh/gabar guursadaan  siyaabo kala duwan ayey gabadha ku helaan.   Ninku reerka uu ka dhashay ayuu u sheegaa gabadha uu doonayo. Reerka odayaashiisa ayaa waxay la kulmaan odayaasha la dhashay gabadha ama kuwa ka soo jeeda qbiilka ay gabadhu tahay. Odayaasha ayaa balama. Marka la isu yimaado oo meel lawada fariisto ayaa la sheekeystaa.   Sheekadan waxay u badan tahay kaftan. Mar-marka qaar ayaa gabay la isu tiriyaa. Inta badan waxay gabayadu noqdaan kuwo hore oo labada reer dhex maray. Waxa la is-xusuusiyaa sheekoyin hore oo dhexmaray laba reer ama Soomaali guud ahaan meel ay joogtaba. Kaftan, sheeko iyo qosol badan ka bacdi, reerka uu ninku ka dhashay ayaa weydiisanaya in gabadha la siiyo. Odayaasha ninka ka wakiilka ah waxay oranayaan “haddanu nahay beessha mgacaas leh, waxan idin ka odsaneynaa in aad na siisaan gabdha magaceeda la yiraahdo HEBLAAYO oo aanu u dooneyno ninka magaciisa la yirahdo HEBEL.” Wiilka iyo gabadhaba magacyadooda ayaa la sheegaya. Weliba inta badan hadalka waxa la raaciyaa “hadaad na siisaan meherkana noogu dara.”  Soomaalidu dhaqan umalaha in gabadh la soo doonay ay isu diido. Odayaashii ka soo jeedey reerka ya gabadhu ka dhalatay ayaa ku jawaabaya, “haddaanu nahay beeshaas gabadhi waan idin siinay, meherkiina waan idiin raacinay.” Markaas waxa istaaga nin…