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Ask a Scholar June 2020

ASK A MUSLIM SCHOLAR JUNE 2020 Is prayer valid when we pray in congregation in a mosque keeping 6 ft distance between 2 worshippers?   Congregational Prayer with the gaps mandated by health authorities is valid because of the necessity.  It is not allowed under the normal circumstances where one can afford to stand shoulder to shoulder. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The Iman is appointed for the people to follow (in Salah). So, do not separate yourself from him in observing the different postures; instead, when he bows down, you should also bow down, when he says, "Allah hears the one who praises Him," you should say: Our Lord, to You belongs all praise." When the Imam prostrates, you should also prostrate after him. If he prays sitting, you also should pray sitting. And form lines correctly in salah, for setting up proper lines is part of the excellence of Prayer." (Reported by Bukhari) On closer reflection of the Prophet's statement, we learn two important points: First, it makes it explicitly clear that the Imam is to be followed in Salah. Therefore, the validity of the congregational Prayer depends on one's ability to follow the Imam.  That is…

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Vaccine article

MUHIMADA TALAALKA OO DADKA WA WEYNE     Dad badan waxay qabaan xaalad caafimaadeedka muddada-dheer (sidoo kale loo yaqaan cudur joogto ah ama cudur daba-dheer) sida sokorowga, neefta, ama cudurka wadnaha. Hasa ahaatee, dad badan ma oga in xaaladahaas caafimaadeed ay u sababi karaan inay aad ugu bukoodaan hargabka. Badanaa dadka isbitaalka loo dhigo hargabka daraadii waxay qabaan xaalad caafimaadeedka  muddada-dheer.   Qabitaanka xaalad caafimaadeedka muddada-dheer micnaheedu waa nidaamka difaaca jirkaga horey buuba si adag u shaqeynayey. Marka ay noqoto inuu la dagaallamo cudur kale sida hargabka, waxay noqon kartaa wax aad u adag ama uga sii dari karaa xaaladaada caafimaadeed ee kale. Tani waxay dhici kartaa xitaa haddii aad qaadaneyso dhammaan daawooyinka saxda ah iyo haddii xaaladdaada caafimaadeed ee muddada-dheerna gacanta lagu hayo.   Qaadashada tallaalka hargabka waa habka ugu wanaagsan ee looga hortago hargabka. Qof walba oo jira 6 bilood iyo wixii ka weyn waxaa lagula taliyaa inuu qaato tallaalka hargabka sannad walba, laakiin wuxuu si gaar ah muhiim ugu yahay dadka qaba xaaladaha caafimaadeed ee muddada-dheer. Tallaalka hargabka wuxuu muujiyay in uu hoos u dhigayo khatarta in hargab loo bukoodo sidoo kale wuxuu hoos u dhigaa khatarta yeelashada wax ka imaashaha hargabka ee halista ah sida tagista…


SHEEKO RUN AH   Soomaalidu tan iyo markii eebe ku abuuray Geeska Afrika, waxay kala qaadi jireen (kala dhici jireen) geela. Sababtuna waxay ahayd geela oo ahaa hantida ugu qiimaha badan ee la haysytey. Kumanaan iyo kumanaan rag ah ay  ku dhitay geel la dhacayo ama geel cadaw la celinayo. Qabiilka geel soo dhaca wuu qaybsan jiray geela. Sida loo kala raganimo badan yahay ama loo kala geesinimo badan yahay ayaa geela loo qaybsan jiray. Waxa kale oo loo qaybsan jiray nin walbla doorka uu ka qaatay geela la dhacayo ama inta nin ee uu ku dilay markii diriirtu socotay.   Hase yeeshee waa Ilaah mahadii. Intii uu bilowdey qarnigan 21labaatanaad, waxad moodaa in xoolihii la kala dhici jiray ay yaraadeen. Waxa kale oo yaraadey dagaaladii iyo duulaankii qabiilooyinku isku duuli jireen si ay xoolo u soo dhacaan. Waxaa kale oo yaraadey dagaaladii hablaha la isku dili jiray. Laba arimood ayaad moodaa in ay ugu wacan yihiin dagaalada yaraaday.  Soomaalidii oo reer magaal noqotay oo ilbaxnimadu taabatay. Waxa kale oo dagaalada yareeyey dawladnimada oo la soo fahmayo. Maantana waxay gaartay in qabiilooyinka qaar ay isu ceshaan geel ay kala dheceeen wakhti hore.   Sheekadan runta ah waxay ka dhacday tuulada…

SANChildhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity: One third of children in the U. S. is overweight or obese, and this number is continuing to rise. Preventing kids from becoming overweight means making choices in the way your family eats and exercises, and how you spend time together. Helping kids lead healthy lifestyles begins with parents who lead by example. What Causes Obesity in Children? The most common causes are genetic factors, lack of physical activity,  unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of these factors. Only in rare cases there may be a medical condition such as a hormonal problem. Today, the average child spends approximately four hours each day watching television. As computers and video games become increasingly popular, the number of hours of inactivity may increase. What Health Problems Can Obesity Cause?   Obesity puts kids at risk for medical problems that can affect their health now and in the future. These include serious conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol — conditions all once considered adult diseases. They are also at risk for: Bone and joint problems Shortness of breath that makes any physical activity more difficult. Breathing problems at night such as obstructive sleep apnea. A tendency to mature…


Why should I as a Muslims vote? I have no hesitation in stating that it is a religious duty for Muslims to vote. Here are the reasons: 1) Voting in a democratic system is one of the few ways to affect social changes, and as Muslims it is our civic and religious duty to strive to move the society forward as closely as possible to the ideals of justice, fairness, equity and compassion for all; 2) Muslims are mandated by the Qur’an to work in cooperation with everyone for common causes that are beneficial to all people. Allah says, “And cooperate ye with one another on virtue and God-consciousness.” (Qur’an: 5: 2) Moreover, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “If I were called upon to join together (with anyone regardless of race or religion) for the mission of restoring justice for all and standing behind the weak and the oppressed I would hasten to join the same!” In another report, he is reported to have said, “I would prefer the same to owning the whole world as a treasure!” 3) Muslims are mandated to work to remove injustice, discrimination and xenophobia in their societies whether directed against Muslims or…


Are we allowed to eat animals that have been machine-slaughtered? I hear some people insisting that only hand-slaughtered meat is halal. Is this correct? There is no basis in Islam for making a distinction between hand-slaughtered meat and machine slaughtered meat. It is not warranted by the principles of Shari’ah nor by the rules of Fiqh. The only valid question to ask is whether the slaughter fulfills the prescribed standards of slaughter. The rules of the Islamic slaughter are quite precise and straightforward. Let us list them here: Invoking the name of Allah, cutting the throat/arteries with a sharp knife/instrument, thus administering a quick death and sparing the animal unnecessary torture and suffering. In reply to a question about lawful slaughter, the Prophet (peace be upon him) stated: ” As long as one invokes God’s name, and the animal is slaughtered with a sharp instrument letting the blood flow, you may eat it.” (Reported by Bukhari and others). In other words, the instrument used should be sharp enough to cut the arteries letting the blood flow efficiently thus sparing the animal of torture or inflicting unnecessary pain. In another hadith, he states: “Allah enjoins benevolence in all things we do:…

Halkee baad joogtay Oktoobar 15 – Oktoober 21, 1969

Maalintu waa ARBACA Bishu waa Oktoobar 15, 1969 Magaaladu waa LAASCAANOOD Maalintu bishu ay ahayd 15ka Oktoobar 1969, dadweynaha ree Laascaanood waxay la soo tooseen farxad iyo rayn-rayn. Waxay u diyaar garoobeen in ay soo dhoweyaan Madaxweyne Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaarke (AHN). Maxadweynu wuxu socdaal ku marayey goboloda dalka. Madaxweyne Cabdirashiid waxa madaxweyne loo doortay sannadkii 1967. Wuxuu doorashada ka heley Aadan Cabdile Cisman(AHN) oo muddo todoba sannadood dalka madaxweyne ka ahaa. Cabdirashiid wuxu Raisal Wasaare u mgacaabey Moxamed Xaaji Ibrahim Cigal(AHN). Madaxweyne Cabdirashiid wuxu bishii oktoobar 1969 bilaabay in uu socdaal ku soo maro gobolada dalka. Maalintii bishu ahayd 15ka Okboobar 1969 Madaxweynuhu wuxu ku soo socday Magaalada Laascaanood. Dadweynaha reer Laascaanood waxay maalintaas u diraar groobayeen in ay soo dhoweeyaan Madaxweynaha. Farxad iyo rayn-rayn buu waagu ugu baryey. Waddooyinka magaalada Laascaanood waxa isugu soo baxay yar iyo weyn. Waxa ay ruxayeen calanka buluuga ah ee Soomaaliya. Caroorii waxa la safay wadooyinka hareerahooda. Dadka wejigooda waxa laga garanayey sida ay u rabaan in ay Madaxweynahood soo dhoweeyaan. Dadweynaha reer Laascaanood waxay ku talo galeen in ay baro dheereysiiyaan magaalooyinkii kale ee uu Madaxweynuhu soo maray. Maxaase dhacay!!! Ninkii gabyey wuxu yiri “markaan ku tashado wax taransaba, soowtii Alle meel ma…

Understanding Breast Cancer

Understanding Breast Cancer Breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the breast grow out of control. Breast cancer can spread outside the breast through blood vessels and lymph vessels. When breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it is said to have metastasized. What Causes Breast Cancer? No one knows the exact cause (s ) of breast cancer. What is known is that breast cancer is always caused by damage to a cell’s DNA. Did you know that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime? What are the Known Risk Factors of Breast Cancer? Women with certain risk factors are more likely than others to develop breast cancer. A risk factor is something that may increase the chance of getting a disease. Some of the risk factors can be avoided while others cannot be avoided. Having a risk factor does not mean that a woman will get breast cancer. Many women who have risk factors never develop breast cancer. Risk Factors You Cannot Change or Avoid: • Getting older. The risk for breast cancer increases with age; most breast cancers are diagnosed after age 50. • Genetic mutations. Inherited changes…


Somali Museum of Minnesota Receives $50,000 in Minnesota State Arts Board Grant Saint Paul, MN — The Minnesota State Arts Board has awarded a grant, totaling $50,000, to the Somali Museum of Minnesota. At its September meeting, the Arts Board approved 23 Folk and Traditional Arts grants. They are project grants to support the artistic traditions and customs practiced within community and/or cultural groups that help to identify, document, preserve, present, and honor Minnesota’s folk arts and traditions. This is the second of four rounds of grants the board will award this fiscal year. Grants in the Folk and Traditional Arts program total more than $525,000. The Somali Museum of Minnesota will use the funding to build Somali artists’ capacity to teach and advance the art forms of weaving and dance in the Twin Cities, Mankato, Saint Cloud, Rochester, and Willmar. Folk and traditional arts refer to artistic traditions that come from and are rooted in the cultural life of a community. Community members may share a common ethnicity, geographic or regional identity, occupation, language, or tribal affiliation. Folk and traditional arts are learned and passed on through community based systems of training and education where younger generations learn and…


2019 has been a deadly year for Somali American youth in the twin cities. There has been over 25 murders and countless overdose deaths involving Somali adolescents just this year. The Somali community is in shock and very helpless to say the least. Many are asking themselves, “where did we go wrong?”, said Ali Bokhor who has a nephew who recently succumbed to an opioid overdose. Gang wars have erupted among rival groups and it seems like there is gun violence on a daily basis nowadays. Between the violence and the Opiod abuse, the Somali community continues to mourn. Almost every Somali person we spoke to knows a young person who either got killed by a gun or prescription drugs. Mohamed Ali, a local businessman and a longtime resident of Minneapolis said, “This is the direct results of absent fathers, identity crisis, and a careless community who value the wrong things in life”. Ali seemed optimistic that the community is finally discussing the crisis among the youth openly and that itself is a positive step forward. Religious leaders are talking about the problem at mosques, treatment centers are opening for East African clients and the urgency to do something has…