Governor Walz proclaims September Recovery Month
Highlights transformative power of recovery from substance use and mental illness In recognition of National Recovery Month, Governor Tim Walz has proclaimed September 2020 Recovery Month in the state of Minnesota. The theme for this year’s Recovery Month is “Join the voices of recovery: Together we are stronger.” This month Minnesota recognizes that not only is it possible to recover, but that recovery is common. “Too often substance use disorder and mental illness are seen as a life sentence, rather than the treatable diseases they are,” said Minnesota Human Services Commissioner Jodi Harpstead. “While the pandemic has made life more difficult for many of the people who were already struggling, Minnesota has an abundance of resources available to help people find and maintain their recovery and live full, rich and productive lives.” In 2018, there were over 56,000 admissions to chemical dependency treatment in Minnesota. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, most who enter chemical dependency treatment complete it and show considerable improvement, and abstinence from substance use and other benefits of treatment tend to continue over the long term. Similarly, mental illness is common, but treatable. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nationally,…