
Miyaad u safraysaa waddan kale? Ha ilaawin tallaalada!

Jadeecada, waa cudur si dhakhso ah u faafa, wuxuu dilaa boqolaal carruur ah oo adduunka ku nool maalin kasta. Cudurku wuxuu ku dhacaa dadka ku nool Yurub, Aasiya iyo Afrika. Waxaa jira wax aad sameyn kartid si aad adiga iyo qoyskaaga u ilaalisaan – is tallaala. Haddii aad u safreyso waddan kale, hubi in adiga iyo caruurtaadu aad tallaalada ugu dambeeyay ee jadeecada, qaamo-qashiirka iyo jadeeco jarmal (oo loo yaqaan MMR) qaadateen. Carruurta da’doodu ka yar tahay 6 bilood jir waa inay qaataan tallaalka jadeecada, qaamo-qashiirka iyo jadeeco jarmal (MMR). Waxay noqon kartaa mid sahlan in lagu fikiro in jadeecadu aysan saameyn ku yeelan doonin adiga iyo qoyskaaga, laakiin hal hooyo oo deggan Minnesota ayaa ogaatay khatarta ay leedahay markaad safreyso. Kahor inta aysan safrin, dhakhtarku wuxuu ku taliyay in wiilkeedu qaato tallaalka jadeecada, qaamo-qashiirka iyo jadeeco jarmal (MMR) ka hor sidii caadada ahayd sababtoo ah waxay u safrayeen Kenya si ay u soo booqdaan qoysaskooda. Waxay rabtay in wiilkeeda la siiyo tallaalka, laakiin ugu dambeyntii wuu seexday. Waxay go’aansatay inay sugto ilaa ay soo noqdaan. Waxay u socdeen kaliya inay booqdaan qoys taasoo aan u muuqan inay halis weyn tahay. Maalintii ay ku soo laabteen guriga, wiilkeedu wuxuu bilaabay…

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Heart Disease

What is heart disease? Heart Disease includes a number of conditions which affect blood flow to and from the heart. One of the common heart conditions is myocardial infarction which is known as a heart attack. What Is a Heart Attack? A heart attack happens when the flow of oxygen-rich blood in one or more of the coronary arteries, which supply the heart muscle, suddenly becomes blocked, and a section of heart muscle can’t get enough oxygen. When the heart muscle tissue is deprived of oxygen, that section of heart muscle begins to die. Heart attacks are a leading killer of both men and women. Each year, more than 1 million people in the United States have a heart attack, and about half of them die. Half of those who die do so within 1 hour of the start of symptoms and before reaching the hospital. A heart attack is an emergency. Learn the warning signs of a heart attack. What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack? Someone having a heart attack may experience only one, or several of these warning signs: Crushing chest pain or chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the…

Adults With Long-Term Health Conditions Need Vaccines to Stay Healthy

Each year, thousands of adults in the United States suffer from serious illnesses that could have been prevented by vaccines. These diseases can be serious and require you to go to the hospital or be out of work for a long time. Many adults simply do not know they are at high risk for diseases like influenza (flu) and pneumococcal, which vaccines can prevent. Many long-term health conditions like diabetes or asthma place adults at higher risk for problems if they get sick. Some diseases are more common or more dangerous as adults get older, like shingles. Some adults may not have gotten certain vaccines because they were not available when they were children putting them at risk for the disease. It is important to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about vaccines you need to stay healthy. Ask about these vaccines at your next visit: Flu: Everyone 6 months of age and older should get vaccinated every year. It is especially important for young children, pregnant women, older people and those with long-term health conditions. Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Td or Tdap): All adults need a Tdap vaccine one time, and then a Td vaccine every 10 years. Pregnant women…

Adult Vaccination

Dadka waaweyn oo leh xaaladaha caafimaadka ee muddada dheer waxay u baahanyihiin tallaalo si ay u sugaan caafimaadkooda Sannad kasta,kumanaan qof oo qaangaar ah oo ku nool maraykanka ayaa la kulma cuduro halis ah oo lagaga hortagi karo tallaal. Cuduradani waxay noqon karaan kuwo halis ah oo waxay noqonaysaa intaad tagto cusbilaal ama aad ka maqnaato shaqada waqti dheer. Dad badan oo qaan gaar ah ayaan ogeyn inay si sahlan khatar ugugu jiraan cudurada sida hargabkaka(flu) iyo oofta (pneumococcal), kuwaas oo tallaal lagaga hortagi karo . Xaalado caafimaad ee muddo dheer socota sida sonkorowga ama asmada dadka waaweyn ayaa halis weyn ugu jira dhibaatooyinka haddii ay xanuunsadaan. Cudurada qaarkood waa kuwo aad u badan ama ka khatar badan marka dadka qaangaarka ah ay sii weynaadaan, sida shingles. Dadka waaweyn qaarkood ma heli karaan tallaalo gaar ah sababtoo ah ma aysan heli karin markii ay carruur ahaayeen iyaga oo halis ugu jira cudurka. Waa muhiim inaad kala hadasho dhakhtarkaaga ama farmashiistaha wax ku saabsan tallaalada aad u baahan tahay si aad u caafimaad qabto. Waydii tallaaladan booqashada soo socota: Hargabka: Qof kasta oo da’diisu tahay 6 bilood iyo ka weyn waa in la tallaalaa sannad kasta. Waxaa si gaar ah muhiim…

Caafimaadka Wadnaha

Wadnaha waa xubin ka sameysan muruq duuban oo xoog leh. Wadnaha waa xubinta jirka oo dhan dhiiga gaarsiisa. Waa maxay cudurada ku dhaca wadnaha? Cudurro dhowr ah ayaa wadnaha ku dhaca kuwaas oo dib u dhac u keena wareega  dhiiga ee jirka. Waxaa ka mid ah cudurradaas istaaga wadnaha (heart attack).  Waa maxay istaaga wadnaha (heart attack)? Wadnaha wuxuu istaagaa marka ay mid ama dhowr ka mid ah dhuumaha dhiiga nadiifka ah siiya muruqa wadnaha ay xirmaan, taas oo sababeysa in muruqa wadnaha uu waayo hawada oksijiinka ah. Marka uu wadnaha heliwaaya oksijiin ku filan, waxaa bilaabaneysa inay dhintaan unugyada muruqa wadnaha. Wadnaha oo istaaga wuxuu ka mid yahay cudurrada ay rag iyo haween badan u dhintaan dalkaan Mareykanka, Sanad walba hal milyan ayuu wadnaha istaaga , boqolkiiba 50 oo dadkaas ka mid ah ayaa dhinta waxayna ku dhintaan hal saac gudaheeda marka ay isku arkaan calaamadaha wadna xanuunka ka hor inta aan isbitaal la geynin. Istaaga wadnaha waa xaalad deg deg ah ee ha yareysanin.  Baro calaamadaha lagu garto istaaga wadnaha (heart attack). Waa maxay calaamadaha lagu garto istaaga wadnaha (heart attack)? Qofka wadnaha ka xanuunsan waxaa dhici karta inuu isku arka mid ama dhowr ka mid ah calaamadaha…

Could the state-funded International Medical Graduate Assistance Program do more for immigrant doctors — and help address Minnesota’s looming doctor shortage?

Before Mervat Lotfalla immigrated to the United States eight years ago, she spent more than 15 years working as a doctor at various hospitals in Egypt. In that period, Lotfalla — who graduated from Cairo University School of Medicine in 1994 — served as the head of Mallawy General Hospital’s emergency department, leading hundreds of staffers to provide adequate health services for rural communities there. Then in 2009, as political unrest started brewing in her homeland, Lotfalla and her family left Egypt and established a new life in Minnesota, where she hoped to continue her career in medicine. A year later, she began the process to get her license to practice medicine in the U.S. She passed all the examinations, but when she applied to get into a medical residency, the hands-on clinical practice experience that doctors must undergo to obtain their licenses, “I didn’t get interviews,” she said. Lotfalla is one of many foreign-trained immigrant and refugee physicians who often struggle to put their decades-long experience to use — even as many parts of Minnesota face a shortage for doctors. To remedy that shortage — and to address some of the barriers that prevent foreign-trained physicians from re-entering their…

Markaad Takhtar La Balansantahay

Baaritaano badan oo laga sameeyay wadahadalka dhexmara bukaanka iyo takhtarka waxey isku waafaqsan yihiin in bukaanka waqti ku filan aan la siin si uu uga dhaadhiciyo takhtarka sababta uu balanta u sameystay. Wax ka yar nus daqiiqo markuu qofka ka hadlo arinkiisa ama arinkeeda, waxaa dhacda inta badan in takhtarka u hadalka ka soo dhex galo, bukaankana waxii uu sheegi lahaa fursad u helin inuu takhtarka u sheego. Marka qofka waxaa la gudboon inta uu takhtarka la kulmin inuu diyaarsado waxyaabaha ku kalifay balan inuu sameysto. Hadey suurowdo isku day inaad qorato waxyaabaha aad rabtid inaad ka hadashid. Waqtigu waa qaali, waxaana loo baahan yahay in laga faa’ideysto. Marka lagu weydiiyo maxaan kuu qaban karaa, nuqdooyinka aad rabtay inaad ka hadasho hakuu diyaarsanaadaan. Suurto galna ma aha in waxyaabo fara badan in lagu xalin karo hal fadhi. Ugu yaraan hal, laba ama saddex waxyaalood oo muhiim kuu ah marka wax lagaala qabto, waxaad dhihi kartaa in kulanka takhtarka uu noqday mid laga faa’ideystay. Bukaanka marba inuu mowduuc cusub soo tuuro ma aha iyadoo kii hore aan meel la saarin. Hadduu qof yiraahdo: “madaxaa i xanuunaya, deriskeygana daawo xanuun baabi’sa ah baan ka qaatay, oo laxawgii wuu ka sii daray, calooshana…

Collaborating With Local Imams to Prevent Opioid Abuse in the Somali Community

Our colleagues in the Health Improvement Bureau at MDH recently completed a series of trainings with several Twin Cities Imams, Muslim faith leaders, to help combat the opioid epidemic ravaging local communities. The team hopes that this project will be a replicable model of how to partner with faith-based communities in the opioid epidemic response, and in understanding substance use disorder, mental health and trauma more broadly.  “Engaging faith leadership to take a knowledgeable stand on the issue of opioid use in our community allows a community’s selected and trusted leadership to serve their people in this important issue,” said Imam Sharif Mohamed of the Islamic Civic Society of America/Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque, which is based in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis. Imam Sharif and Kate Erickson, the MDH opioid overdose prevention director, spearheaded the initiative together as part of the Data-Driven Prevention Initiative funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2016, nearly 400 Minnesotans died of an opioid-involved death, and prescription opioids remain the leading cause of opioid-involved death. Since the launch of the Opioid Dashboard last fall, Kate has been giving presentations about the opioid epidemic throughout the state, highlighting the data and information included in the Opioid Dashboard to local…


Cunno siinta ilmaha 1-sano-jirka ah aad ayey u fududahay maxaa yeelay ilmaha saan-qaadka ah (toddlers) in ay wax kasta cunaan ayey jecel yihiin. Canugaagu wuxuu rabi doonaa raashinka ay reerku cunayaan oo kale. Waalid ahaan adiga ayaa go’aansan doona nooca cuntada ee aad ilmahaaga siineysid, marka ilmahaagu cunada cunayo, iyo meesha uu cunada ku cunayo. Ilmahaaga ayaa go’aansan doona cuntada inta uu ka cunayo iyo hadii in uu cunto cuno uu doonayo iyo inkale. Cunooyinka la siin karo U keen ilmahaaga cunooyin kala duwan oo cunto caafimaad leh ah. Cunooyinka aad xili kasta oo wax la cuno aad siineysid furuto (fruits) iyo khudaar ha ka mid noqdeen. Ku dhiiri geli ilmahaaga in uu isku dayo cunitaanka cunooyin kala duwan. U kala jar cunooyinka cad-cad la eg 1/4- ilaa 1/2- inch la eg. Cunooyinka aad siineyso ilmaha ha ka mid noqdeen cunto jilicsan oo si fudud loo ruugi karo si fududna loo liqi karo. Isticmaal caanaha nooca whole milk ga ah (caanaha aan subaga laga saarin) ilaa uu ilmahaagu 2-jir ka gaarayo. Caanaha iyo juuska sii marka aad siinayso cuntada iyo markaad siinayso cunto-fudud oo kali ah. Ilmahaaga sii biyo marki uu harraado inta u dhexaysa cuntooyinka. Caanaha iyo juuska/casiirka aad bay u fiicanyihiin laakiin wax badan marka aad ka siiso…

Obamacare is Still Law of the Land, Briva Health is Ready to Help Minnesotans enroll Through MNsure

It’s time to sign up! Open enrollment for health coverage in Minnesota is Nov 1 to Jan 14 Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as “Obamacare”, was passed, Briva Health™has become the go-to place for Somalis when it comes to their health insurance coverage. The organization has expert, multilingual navigators, including several Somali navigators who provide free enrollment assistance through MNsure, Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace. Briva Health is MNsure’s largest enrollment partner and provides walk-in and by appointment enrollment assistance to Minnesotans in the Twin Cities and Saint Cloud metro areas. To date, Briva Health navigators helped more than 30,000 Minnesotans enroll un health coverage. “ We try our best to help everyone enroll on the right coverage,” says chief executive officer, Hodan Guled, “ we often come across people who have never had coverage before only to find out that they qualify for a sizable tax credit or even free insurance” she adds. In Minnesota, open enrollment for health coverage started on November 1st; and will continue until January 14, 2018. Unlike many other states, Minnesotans will have four additional weeks to sign up for health coverage. During this period, Minnesotans can shop and enroll in health…