Ask a Scholar Oct 2022

I want to work in the financial sector, there is interest involved. I have an interest in working in this field. Please guide me whether I should pursue my career in this sector or not? Please reply soon. Thanking you.

You are allowed to work in the financial sector. Expertise in this field is vital for the survival of the community. As Imam Ghazali has stated learning arts or sciences that are crucial for the survival of the society should be encouraged.

It is a fard Kifayah or collective duty; in other words, if the community does not have experts in the field, they are guilty before Allah.

Therefore, it is okay for you to work in this field if you have the training to serve in this area. However, while doing so, you should avoid that which is haram. Not everything you do in the field is haram. Islamic rule when you deal with cases where there is a mixture of haram and halal is to seek to purify the elements of haram. So, it would help if you cleaned your income by making lots of Istighfaar and giving charities (on top of the obligatory Zakah). Allah says, “Good deeds expiate for bad deeds.” (Qur’an: 11: 114)

Having said this, I would like to add another point: You should find a job in the field that has the least element of haram as possible.


What’s is Islam’s ruling on a prenup? Is it an insult to a guy if a girl asks for it?


It is a good idea to make a prenuptial agreement. It can preempt any potential disputes. Islam allows parties to make contracts as long as the terms are not contradictory to the guiding principles of the Shari’a. That is why we find all scholars – regardless of their school affiliations- agree on this.

Allah says: “O You who believe, be faithful to the covenants or pledges you enter.”(Qur’an: 5: 1) While describing the traits of the Servants of the Beneficent, Allah says: “And they are those who fulfill their pledges faithfully.” (Qur’an: 23: 8)

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “Believers are bound by the terms of the contracts they make.” (Reported by Tirmidhi)

Also, while mentioning the terms of marriage contracts, he said, “There are no terms of contracts more worthy of compliance than those of marriage contracts.” (Reported by Bukhari)

Now let us discuss those terms of contracts that are not valid and therefore inadmissible, and those that are valid and acceptable.
As for the contracts that are not valid they include terms contradictory to the fundamental objectives of marriage such as the provision not to consummate the marriage; no sexual intimacy at all; no mahr; no maintenance or spousal support by the husband.

As for the terms of a contract that are acceptable, here are a few examples: The husband would not take another wife while married to her;  she would not be required to leave her city or country unless she chooses to; she would continue her relations with her parents and kith and kin; she would to continue her studies and pursue her career goals; she would keep most of her salary unless she chooses otherwise.

All of the above are admissible. Once both parties have signed to it, they are bound by them. In case of a default, for instance, and the husband takes another wife, the wife will be free to divorce herself- if she chooses to.

In light of the above, your prospective marriage partner should not object to your suggestion to have a prenup; instead, he should only welcome such a positive initiative on your part.

I pray to Allah to guide your hearts to find an amicable resolution of this issue and bless your marriage.


Assalamualaikum sheikh I have a question… My father has some amount of money deposited in a Islamic bank and they provide some amount of money which the bank people call it as profit …every month some amount of money is provided by the bank on my fathers fixed deposit sometimes more and sometimes less but no fixed profit … the amount varies every month … it’s an Islamic bank … is it halal to take the profit that is given by the Islamic bank … please can you advice me on this


The dividends your father received from the Islamic bank is the profit accrued on the amount he has deposited.

Islamic banks make money by investing the amount in ethical shares or companies. They are giving you from the profit they make on such investments. So, it is a lawful income; your father can use it as he wishes. The bank is not giving it as gratis or a charity. They divide the profit according to the terms of the contract with the depositors – your father included.

Therefore, your father should have no qualms or inhibitions about using the halal profit accruing on the amount he has deposited.

If he has some lingering doubts, he should cleanse the profit thus made by giving out some amount of it in charity. Allah says, “Verily, good deeds wipe out the bad.” (Qur’an: 11: 114)