Ask A Muslim Scholar Volume 4

Q: If I have my period, is it possible to read the Qur’an without touching the Qur’an?

A: Scholars and jurists of Islam have been divided in their opinion about the issue whether women who are menstruating are allowed to read the Qur’an or not. 

The generally accepted view among them is that women are not allowed to read the Qur’an while menstruating. Among other things, they have based this ruling on a report attributed to the Prophet, peace be upon him, which states, “Neither those who are sexually defiled nor those who are menstruating shall read the Qur’an.” 

A group of scholars belonging to Maliki, Shafi and Hanbali schools, and others, however, have rejected the above position. As has been pointed out by Imam Ibn Taymiyyah, there is nothing wrong for women from reading the Qur’an either from their heart or from mushaf itself, should they find it necessary to do so. 

Even some of those scholars who are generally in favour of disallowing menstruating women from reading the Qur’an from mushaf have considered it permissible for them to do so if they are teachers or students or they are afraid of forgetting what they have memorized. 

Having cited the various views let me conclude by saying: 
Should there be dire necessity for you to do so you are definitely allowed to read the Qur’an, either from your heart/mind or by holding the Qur’an itself. If, there is no such necessity, then you can definitely listen to the Qur’an; for there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever in the sources to indicate that listening to the Qur’an in the state of menstruation is forbidden. Therefore, you may listen to a recorded Qur’an without any inhibition; you may also read the du’as from the Qur’an at all times, without incurring any sin whatsoever.

May Allah inspire us to see truth as truth and follow it and inspire us to follow it-Aameen.

Q: Is it allowed to donate Sadaqah (charity) to non-Muslims in dire need and fighting for life because of illness?

A:Islam encourages charities to all human beings regardless of differences of religion, race, colour or language. The Prophet, peace be upon him, came to the help of the non-Muslims pagans who had fought against him; their paganism did not come in the way of his assistance for them in their dire need. Allah says describing the quality of faith of the true believers that they feed the prisoners while they themselves are in dire need preferring them over themselves: the poor, the orphans and the prisoners; prisoners mentioned here were none other than pagans taken as prisoners: “They give food to the poor, the orphan, the captive, though they love it themselves, saying, “We fed for the sake of God alone: We seek neither recompense nor thanks from you.” (Qur’an: 76: 8-9).

So Muslims have an obligation to come to the help of their non-Muslim neighbors and fellow citizens; the Prophet said, “if a single person goes to bed in empty stomach, Allah’s guarantee of protection shall be taken away from them!” so let us come together to fight poverty and help those in need regardless of difference in religion, race or ethnicity, color or language. May Allah include among those whom the Prophet, peace be upon him, described when he said, “The best of mankind are those who are most helpful to the servants of Allah!”

Q: Hello Sheikh, I heard that if you drink, you can’t pray or fast for 45 days? Is that true? I drank last week and Ramadhan starts this Saturday.

A: Fasting of Ramadhan is incumbent on every Muslim; the fact, that you did commit one sin, does not absolve you from your duty to fast. Drinking, undoubtedly, is a grave sin. So, you obviously need to seek forgiveness and turn to Allah in repentance. There is no better time to do this than in the blessed month of Ramadhan. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever fasts Ramadhan with sincere faith and seeking goodly rewards (from Allah), his past sins will be forgiven.” So, I urge you to observe the fast, and ask forgiveness of Allah. Use the month of Ramadhan to stop this vicious habit; if you are determined, and try your best, seeking the help of Allah, you will  succeed.

I pray to Allah to forgive you and help you remain steadfast in your faith.

Q: I will be having a baby soon. What do I have to do when the baby is born? I heard you must say the adhaan in its ear. Is that true?

A: A child is a gift from Allah, and hence parents must welcome this wonderful divine gift in a most fitting manner. There are certain rituals associated with child birth to be performed; these are intended to give thanks to the Creator, to share the joy with the family and friends and to reinforce the Islamic creed of Oneness—the axis of Islamic way of life.

The rituals associated with childbirth are the following:

  1. As soon as the child is born, adhaan should be called in its right ear in a most gentle tone and voice.
  2. A tiny piece of date should be chewed well by the father or a pious person and then fed to the infant. 
  3. On the seventh day, naming of the child should take place. On the same day its head should be shaved and it’s the equivalent of its hair in gold (i.e. the cost of it) should be given away in charity to the poor.
  4. If the parties can afford it, preferably on the same day, a goat or lamb should be sacrificed and the meat should be distributed to the poor, family and friends. If instead of giving away the meat, a feast is organized to which the poor as well as family and friends are invited that would be sufficient as well. 
  5. Finally, from day one the child arrives into this world, it should be brought up in a proper Islamic environment where proper values and precepts of Islam are consistently practiced.